Creating Weighted Grading Categories in Canvas

The goal of creating weighted assignment categories is to allow Canvas to do the math for you.

In your Canvas class, open the Assignments tab from the navigation menu.

Click on the + Group button along the top of the screen

You can add each of your categories or group labels one at a time. Examples include Participation, Quizzes, Final Paper, etc. Click Save after each new group name.

Once you have entered all of your assignment groups/categories, you click on the button with the three vertical dots, found next to the + Assignment button on the top of the page.

Select Assignment Group Weights from the menu.

Check the box that says Weight final grade based on assignment groups.

You will be prompted to enter the percentage each of your groups is worth towards the final grade.

Click Save when you are finished.

If your assignments that belong to each group are not already listed under each category, you will need to move them within the Assignment window. You can drag and drop each assignment, or select the three vertical dots on the far right of the title of the assignment and click Move To.

If you have further questions about weighting your grades, email to set up a one-on-one consultation.

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