Important Tips on Using Zoom in a Classroom

A Zoom meeting is best conducted on your personal computer or laptop, in the comfort of your home or in a meeting room. However, there may be situations where you need to use Zoom in a classroom setting. You can either use your own laptop in the classroom for the Zoom meeting or use the classroom PC.(If you need to use the camera for the meeting you must use the Classroom PC)

 Whichever way you choose, here are some tips to ensure a smooth meeting:

Not all classrooms are the same. Even though we try our best, not every classroom is built the same way. Before conducting a Zoom meeting in a new classroom, make sure to check it out beforehand to ensure that everything you need is in working order. Test your Zoom meeting video and audio ahead of time while you are in the classroom. If you are recording the meeting, choose to store the video in the cloud, and don't forget to check out YuJa for your recorded video.  

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