Download and Install the Kramer VIA App for Wireless Presentation

If you would like to use the wireless presentation function in classrooms, you will need to install the Kramer VIA client on to your computer or mobile device. You will also need to be connected to the William James Production wireless network.

  • Start by choosing Wireless Present from the classroom touch screen on the desk
  • Once on the screen, Open a webpage and search the Room name shown on the screen


  • Once there you have two options, you can either join from your browser, or you can choose to install the VIA App to your Laptop.


  • Once you choose you will be asked to insert the Room ID (shown on the classroom screen) and the Room code (shown on the classroom screen) 


  • Once you do this you will be given the ability to share your screen wirelessly in the classroom!



Contact IT support at or 617 338 6777 ext 1600.

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