Video Playlists in YuJa



Creating Playlists

Playlists allow Content Creators to present videos and images in an ordered list for viewing when shared through a direct link or embed code. 

  1. Log in to the Video Platform and access your Media Library by selecting Manage Media from the top bar.
  2. Click Playlists, located on the left side under your Personal channels.
  3. Click NEW PLAYLIST.

The Playlist channel with two playlist folders created.


To add content to a playlist, navigate back to your videos. While holding down the Ctrl (Command on Mac) key on your keyboard, click on the content. Alternatively, you can click and drag over the videos or images you wish to add. Click More Actions. Then select ADD TO PLAYLIST or BULK ADD TO PLAYLIST. 

More Actions menu with Bulk Add to Playlist highlighted.


Next, select the Playlist you wish to add content to and click Save.
Add to Playlist dialogue window.

You can also go to a video's "More..." menu and click Actions to add just one video to a playlist. Click Add to Playlist the last option. 



Navigate to your playlist folder and click and drag your media content to adjust the viewing order. Inside a playlist folder featuring various videos.


Sharing Your Playlists 

With a Link

If you're not already in Grid Mode, click GRID MODE, located in the top bar. This will make the playlists look like folders and give you more editing options.

Gallery view of the Playlist channel.

Hover over the desired playlist folder. Click the Gear icon and select More.

Playlist folder.


Click the Links tab. From here you can copy and share playlist links.



Within Canvas

To share a playlist in Canvas, you can use the YuJa Media Chooser to embed a playlist. Access this with the colorful button in the editing mode. Look under the plug button if you don't see it. 


Select your playlist.



Watch a video on creating and sharing playlists:

How to Create a Playlist from a Folder

Navigate to the location of the folder from which you'd like to create a Playlist. Hover over the folder, click the Gear icon, and then select More.

The More option on a folder is highlighted.


Click the Action button from the left side and then select Create Playlist

In the Media Details modal, Create Playlist is highlighted from the Action tab.


You can view your newly created Playlist in the Playlists menu from the left-side menu.


Note: You'll receive a message about content in the playlist. If you wish to add content to the Playlist that is within subfolders, check Ensure content of nested subfolders are extracted into the generated Playlist.



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