Sharing YuJa Videos

One-to-One Sharing

You can use this method to share videos with individuals. You can customize the access level with other internal users in the Video Platform.

Hover over the media you would like to share with other internal users and select Share.


Type in the name or email of the user you would like to share the media with. In this same area, you can remove sharing access by clicking the X next to any names listed under "who has access".

Select the Access Level for that user.

    • Full Access: Allow the user to access, make changes, and delete media.
    • Edit Access: Allow the user to access and make changes to the media.
    • Edit Caption Access: Allow the user to edit captions and make changes to the media.  
    • Read Only: Allow the user to access and view the media.

You can access your shared videos from the Shared with Others tab on the left-hand menu. Additionally, any videos shared with you will appear in the Shared With Me tab. 


Hover over the media you would like to share with other external users and select More... to open the Media Details panel.


Navigate to the Links tab.

Click the Copy to Clipboard icon for the Embed Code or the Direct Link.

Share the Embed Code or the Direct Link with any external user that you wish.


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