How to Change My Name

Making the Request

If you have changed your leagal name the first step of getting this updated in College systems is to fill out the necessary paperwork from the Registrars Office.  Those forms can be found HERE.  

Once those forms are filed with the Registrar, IT will be notified and will make the necessary updates.  

The Process

Before your name is changed, IT will inform you of the pending changes.  and will receive the following email.

You will have to acknowledge that you received that email before any changes are made.

Your name will been changed from x1 to x2, as per your request. This change will NOT BE MADE until you ACKNOWLEDGE you have received this email. 

After the change is made you will still receive email at x1 but all outgoing mail will be sent as x2. 

If you have a mobile device you will need to re-connect it. The directions can be found here:

If you have any further questions or concerns, please let us know.

Kind regards,

The Support Team

After the name change is complete you will receive email at both your old name and new one but only send email as your new name.  Your username will be your new name and any devices that have been setup using that username (email, mobile devices, mac mail) will have to be either Edited or Deleted and re-added.  Directions to do so can be found under the email section of the support site.  

As always if you have any further questions or problems please email

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