Improve the Look and Feel of Canvas Home Using CidiLabs

CidiLabs is an addition to Canvas to help you design Canvas pages.

Visit the DesignPLUS User Guide to learn about how to access and edit pages using CidiLabs.

Create a Home Page

Watch the following video to learn how to:

  • Access CidiLabs
  • Choose a theme
  • Update banner image and text
  • Update navigation buttons

Access CidiLabs in Canvas

To access CidiLabs in Canvas, go to the page you wish to edit and click Edit.

Once you are in edit mode, using the short-cut keys Option-Shift-D on a Mac or Alt-Shift-D on a PC. CidiLabs displays on the right side of your Canvas page.

Choose the Theme

The theme we recommend using for the William James College Canvas pages is the Flat Sections 1.

Update the Navigation Block


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