Setting SMS for Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

You can add SMS as one of your MFA factor from your OneLogin User Profile:

  1. Log in to your OneLogin account and go to your profile page.

  2. Under 2-Factor Authentication, click the plus sign "+" to add a factor.

  3. Select OneLogin SMS from the dropdown menu.

  4. Click Send Security Code to mobile. OneLogin sends a security code to the mobile number specified earlier. Input the code received into the Security Code field and click Continue.

  5. Your registered device will appear under Authentication Devices in the security page. Upon logging in, you may be prompted for your SMS Security Code depending on the security settings your admin has configured. Your code is sent automatically to your device and is valid for 120 seconds. Enter the security code and click Log In.

If you have any questions or run into any issues please feel free to reach out to the IT Dept at or give us a call @ 617-327-6777 X1600

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