As a student, you can find your semester student account balance as well as a copy of the registration bill via the new Campus Nexus Student Information Portal.
To view a brief, Step-By-Step Video Instruction:
Direction for Access:
- Log in to the student information portal ( or via OneLogin using the Student Information Portal App:
- Click on "LOGIN", then click on the Student Portal Homepage.
- Once you are in the portal, click on "My Finances", and then "Account Information"
- For your complete balance history, click the "Registration Bill" tab. Next, select a Term if applicable. If not, just click "Search" at the bottom of the screen. NOTE: you will need to click search for the balance to show.
- Once you have clicked "Search", the account details will be shown on the bottom of the window. You can also click on the "Student's Registration Bill" icon do download a PDF version of your bill balance.
This is informative, I was able to get all details to charges and balance due.