Viewing Registration Bill and Balances in Student Portal

As a student, you can find your semester student account balance as well as a copy of the registration bill via the new Campus Nexus Student Information Portal.

To view a brief, Step-By-Step Video Instruction:

Direction for Access:

  1. Log in to the student information portal ( or via OneLogin using the Student Information Portal App:
  2. Click on "LOGIN", then click on the Student Portal Homepage.mceclip2.png
  3. Once you are in the portal, click on "My Finances", and then "Account Informationmceclip3.png
  4. For your complete balance history, click the "Registration Bill" tab.  Next, select a Term if applicable. If not, just click "Search" at the bottom of the screen.  NOTE: you will need to click search for the balance to show.mceclip4.png
  5. Once you have clicked "Search", the account details will be shown on the bottom of the window.  You can also click on the "Student's Registration Bill" icon do download a PDF version of your bill balance.
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    Kehinde Afolabi

    This is informative, I was able to get all details to charges and balance due.

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