Advanced Editing Mode in the YuJa Video Editor

Advanced Editing Mode in the YuJa Video Editor

Turn on Advanced Editing Mode

To turn on Advanced Mode, click the lever to toggle on the advanced tools.


The new tools will look like this:


Learn about each tool below.

Create a Drawing With The Telestration Tool

dfvfgasdf.PNG Click the Telestration button shaped like a pencil. 

  • Select Create New. Use Choose Color to pick a color for your Telestration.
  • Draw directly on the media using your mouse. 
  • Click Save Overlay under the pencil button to save the Telestration. It will prompt you to select a duration.
  • It will appear at the top of the timeline in lime green. Click the x in the corner to delete.

Using Image Tools Button

snadf df.PNG Click the Image Tools button shaped like a picture. There are three options in the menu, described below:

  • Inserting a Watermark or Overlay - Choose Insert Watermark/Overlay.
    • The watermark will appear where the playhead is currently positioned.
    • Select a file. If need be, select the video steam that you wish for the watermark to appear on and enter a duration. Then click apply.
    • Move the image where you want it on top of the video. 
  • Blurring an image - Choose Insert Blur Region.
    • Select the video stream that you would like to blur then enter a duration. Check the box for Blackout Entire Video to redact the entire screen, or leave unchecked to blur only a portion of the media. Select apply.
    • Click and drag to move the gray rectangle where you would like it. Select the corner of the gray rectangle and drag to cover the desired area. The gray rectangle will be replaced with a blur region in the media after saving.
  • Adding a virtual background - Choose Add Virtual Background
    • Select a file and choose an image then select the video stream that you want to add the virtual background to. Click apply. The virtual background will not appear on your video until you save the edit and  allow YuJa to process the new edited video.

Insert a Video Clip

fjkdfgs.PNGClick the Insert Video button that looks like a video reel. 

  • Select a video from your media in YuJa or from your computer
  • Select a Target Stream- either the current stream can be added onto or overridden or you can create a new stream that will appear as a "picture in picture" experience. You must choose video 1 stream if you want a normal viewing experience of one video stream. You can choose to make a new stream, but you must drag the material into video 1 to "flatten" it. 
  • Select an insertion approach:
    • Current Time - Override: Insert the new video at the current time and override the existing video.
    • Current Time - Insert: Insert the new video at the current time and append it to the existing video
    • At Beginning: Insert the new video at the beginning and append it to the existing video.
    • At End: Insert the new video at the end and append it to the existing video.
  • After selecting your settings, click apply

Note: If you select video 2 (or 3...) you will create a separate second video stream. This may be useful if you want to insert a talking head video or an example video inserted. The top video stream (video 1) is the primary stream. 

  • new video stream selected & selected override: picture in picture experience. You can click the "switch streams" switvchstreams.PNG button to make the inserted video big. You can click the square button to show only one playing stream asdfasfadfdf.PNG


    • View of the video streams can be changed with the buttons in the upper right corner.
  • new video stream selected & selected insert: picture in picture experience with no video 1. You can click the "switch streams" switvchstreams.PNG button to make the inserted video big. You can click the square button to show only one playing stream asdfasfadfdf.PNG

video 2 onlyt.PNG

  • video 1 stream selected & selected insert = only one video but video is inserted at the playhead
  • video 1 stream selected & selected override= only one video but video is overridden for the length of the new video

If you've created a video 2 or 3 stream and want it to now be just one video stream, drag the video in video 2 stream to video 1. This will "flatten" the video. Then you can delete stream 2. Click the three dots left of the stream to remove it.



Volume Adjustment 

kfdvz.PNG Click the Volume Adjustment button that has a plus, a minus and sound bar symbols on it.

  • This tool will ask you to choose a start time, duration of the sound level change, and the change itself.

split.PNGClick the Split tool to split the selected video stream where the playhead is.

You can watch a tutorial on editing in Canvas here:

The YuJa Editor "hot keys" are below:

Ctrl + Z -- Undo an edit

Ctrl + Shift + Z -- Redo an edit

Ctrl + S -- Save video as a new file

Ctrl + Space -- Pause/Play media

Ctrl + X -- Trim media

Ctrl + > -- Trim Start

Ctrl + < -- Trim End

Ctrl + ‘+’ -- Zoom in

Ctrl + ‘-‘ -- Zoom out

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