Video Quizzes in YuJa (for students)

Taking Video Quizzes in YuJa

Click Play and answer questions. Click Save to save each of your responses.

Click on the timestamp at the bottom to jump back and forth between all the questions in the video.


Choose Submit to turn in the Quiz.


Accessing Your Quiz Grades

Access your Video Quiz grades via My Account in the Video Platform. Click on the Profile Icon at the top-right of the screen and select My Account.



From the left-side menu, select My Grades.



Select the course name and video quiz title from the drop-down menus to view your grades.



Take a YuJa Quiz Through Canvas

You may take a YuJa quiz in Canvas. Go to the assignment.  Click "Load *test name* in a new window". If you do not see this button, refresh the page or turn off your ad/pop up blocker.


From here you can play the video and do the quiz. 




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