You can add/ edit your email signature in Office 365 by following the below steps.
Please Note: Adding your signature to one of the below methods only adds your signature to that method. Ex: if you add your signature to only Office 365 on the web, that signature will only be sent when you send email from the web. To ensure your signature is sent in both Outlook as well as Office 365 (web) you will HAVE to do BOTH.
When creating a new signature, always adhere to the guidelines set froth by the marketing department. Details can be found HERE
Login to you email by going to and select the Office 365 tile.
- Click the Gear in the top right corner of the screen
- Search for the setting you would like, in this case it is "signature"
- Select Email Signature
Create a name for your signature and create it in the area below
Click save to add to your office account
You can select when your signature is sent, for example only send my signature when composing a new message.
Open Outlook, and click File, Options, Mail, Signatures

Click New, add/ edit your signature.
Set this as the signature for New Messages, setting the signature for replies is optional and means every email you reply to will have your signature.
You can select when your signature is sent, for example only send my signature when composing a new message.
Go to Settings, Mail contacts and Calendars, then select Signature

If you have multiple email accounts setup you can choose a signature for All Accounts or Per Account

If you have any further questions or concerns please reach out to us at
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