Wolf Vison

Classrooms 334,335,336 are now equipped with a new Wireless Presentation software called WolfVision. To connect to WolfVision please use the steps listed below!

Please note that to connect to WolfVision you must be connected to the WJC Production     Wi-Fi. If you are not sure how to do so here are the steps! William James WiFi

  • To begin, use the touch panel on the instructors desk and select the Wireless Present option. This will turn the classroom projector on.
  • Once the projector turns on, an IP address and what room you are in will be shown on the top of the screen. Please confirm that the room number is correct and then open a web browser. Type the IP address into the search bar of your web browser.
  • You will then see a screen like the one below! Click on the yellow plus symbol to bring up the screen share options.

If you don't see the plus symbol right away you can hover over the general area and it will eventually pop up.

Depending on what you are looking to share, you can click on one of the follow option

  • Browser: If you are looking to show your course's Canvas page, have your PowerPoint saved to your One Drive/O365 online or are looking to show a Youtube video

  • Files: If you have your powerpoint saved to your laptop/desktop you will want to click on this option and search for the file

WolfVision allows up to 5 different devices to be connected at once. This allows instructors and students to share from their devices together without having to deal with any cords and cables.

Once you are done with the class, you can click on the X that you see below to close out of the WolfVision system.


Contact IT support at support@williamjames.edu or 617 338 6777 ext 1600.

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