Signing up for Campus Alerts (Rave Alert)

The Campus Alerting (Rave Alert) System provides notice to students, faculty, and staff regarding important announcements, school closings, and emergency situations.

If you have never registered to the emergency alert, please do so at your earliest convenience. we strongly encourage you to provide your mobile number to receive alerts on your mobile device.  This allows us to reach everyone in case of emergency.    

Next - Register and Verify your contact information:

NOTE - Please put in your mobile number without any other punctuation marks

Next - Please Read and Agree to the terms of use.

And then, confirm your mobile phone service carrier:

Once it is completed, a confirmation email will sent to your email account, and a verification SMS text message will sent to your mobile phone for verification.  Please follow the guidelines on the email you have received to complete the registration.

How do I know that I have not completed the registration?

When you log in you will see your profile information.

  • If you have NOT registered your mobile number you will see a large red banner at the top of the screen as seen below.  

Select Register Phone, and then follow the same process described at the top of this article to register your mobile phone number.

If you have any further questions or concerns please reach out to us at

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